The Woven Edge bespoke rugs and runners are only available in North Somerset from Smiths flooring, homewares and bespoke rugs. Pop in and we can help you follow the steps below to create your unique piece of floor art, designed by you!

The Design Process
For a completely unique interior, The Woven Edge has created a luxurious custom made range of hand tufted rugs. Follow our simple steps below to choose your design, colour, shape and size.
1) Choose your design
2) Pick your colour/colours
3) Tell us your required size
4) Create your rug
New Zealand wool and bamboo fibre are hand spun and hand dyed to ensure the highest quality yarn goes into making your individual rug. Choose your pile height, yarn and choose from a selection of 140 trend driven colours.
Hand Tufted
A stretched canvas has the design sketched out to then hand tuft.
Hand Sheared
​To acquire the desired pile height, the rug is hand sheared.
Hand Carved and Finished
To define any outlined detail, edges are carved by hand and then backed with a latex.