About Jacaranada rugs.


Jacaranda believe that wool makes great carpets and rugs, the yarn creates beautifully textured carpets in a variety of different finishes from smooth, luxurious velvets to chunky, characterful bouclés.

The benefits of wool:

  • Sheep grow new fleeces every year so wool is natural, renewable & biodegradable
  • Creates soft and springy carpets and rugs
  • Naturally fire resistant
  • Strong insulating properties offering warmth and softened acoustics
  • Wool yarn is coated in lanolin making it stain resistant and easy to clean
  • Hard-wearing, suitable for contract locations


TENCEL™ fibres are incredibly soft and shiny, creating carpets and rugs with a silk-like texture that beautifully reflects the light.

What is TENCEL™

TENCEL™ is a branded lyocell fibre produced by Austrian company, Lenzing AG, made from wood pulp sourced exclusively from sustainably grown forests. Lenzing AG have won the “European Award for the Environment” for their ground-breaking TENCEL™ production method where over 99% of chemicals are used repeatedly in a closed loop system resulting in very low emissions.

The benefits of TENCEL™

  • TENCEL™ fibres are soft strong, sustainable, and biodegradable
  • TENCEL™ moisture absorption properties mean it harbours fewer bacteria for a healthier living environment
  • All TENCEL™ ranges can be colour matched to fabric, paint, Pantone or pom
  • Low tog ratings compatible with underfloor heating
  • Less sensitive to water spillages than viscose
  • Easier to clean than other cellulosic fibres such as viscose