Luxury Natural and Bespoke Rugs from Smiths Flooring, Homewares and Rugs in Weston-super-Mare

We know that finding perfect Luxury and Bespoke rugs or runners to compliment your room and your lifestyle is a very personal thing. We also know it’s important because the perfect rug or runner, as well as adding functionality, can really add that all-important finishing touch to a room. Perhaps you would really love a specific shade of blue or simply have your heart set on something that little bit different which could give a talking point such as an evocative striped design?

Whatever you want, why settle for something that’s almost, but not quite, the one?

At The Rug Emporium we specialise in bespoke rugs made just for you in any colour, shape or size.

Predominately made from natural, sustainable, eco friendly materials. Sourced from suppliers with the same environmental beliefs as us.

You can choose from wool, bamboo, sisal, seagrass, coir, jute and much more.

Our bespoke rugs and runners are suitable for any room, whether it’s for your lounge, dining room, kitchen stairs or bedroom, hand tufted, hand knotted, flat-weave. You can even design your own rug through our website.

Whatever you are looking for just ask, we will always try our best to find it.